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Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness...

My God, that is what you are!!! HE never stops working. How true this has been for Dream Big Honduras over the last 12 years. There have been so many stories of God's goodness blessing this mission and it's people since it's inception. You have heard the story of how our kindergarten literally fell in our laps--- the same has been true about God providing for us financially and through physical donations over the years. This past trip, we were able to take over 12 large suitcases and many small bags FULL of donations for our programs. Shoes, cleats, school supplies, medical supplies, clothes, vitamins, candy, etc- it all made it down with us. We were even blessed by donors willing to pay for these bags to fly with us (baggage is expensive when flying these days!!)

What we are not able to bring with us, yet we see as a need when we are down there, we are able to buy from local shops and support the economy in Pinalejo. There are ALWAYS needs that come up as we visit family's homes and work in the kindergarten and academy. From mattresses, fans, electric stoves, tables, chairs, school supplies--- we see a need and try to fill it while we are there. There was one night where we literally passed out shoes out of the back of our truck until we couldn't see from darkness.

Many of you know that one of our amazing dream team members joined our Savior in heaven this past year. Ed Ferrer was a man of God--- who had a heart for helping others---and Honduras was lucky enough to get a piece of his heart. From the moment he stepped in Honduras- he was loved, he was a valued member of our team for translating, construction, relationship building and overall wisdom. He even walked our leader, Juany, down the aisle at her wedding in 2015. He was so loved in Honduras that when they had heard of his homegoing, they held a memorial service there for them.

Ed had a special relationship with the Bomberros, or firemen in town. These men not only respond to fires, but also take care of many emergencies in our town. Our great relationship with the Bomberro's is in large part due to Ed's engaging personality and passion to help them as a part of our mission. He had a goal of making sure each fireman had a new pair of boots. This June, we will make that goal a reality. God will make a way for us to provide these and come up with the finances to buy them!!!

HE NEVER STOPS WORKING. God continues to work behind the scenes for His Glory...

Weeks after Ed went to be with the Lord, his amazing wife Barbie (who is also an invaluable member of our dream team), found a list that Ed had made of other items he wanted to get for Dream Big Honduras:

Bandages/Gauze , surgical tape, Ace bandages, Large tweezers, Alcohol swabs, surgical gloves, eye wash solutions, small flashlights, Qtips, crocodile forceps, quick blood, triple antibiotic, plastic tackle boxes, aspirin, rechargeable walkie- talkies, blood pressure machine, stethoscopes, defibrillator.

Barbie has started to collect these items to send with the team in June.

We are so grateful for how Ed and Barb have been woven into the fabric of what makes Dream Big Honduras what it is today. God continues to put the right people, places, and things in place--- making a way for us to be a Light in the Darkness.

If you are interested in contributing to the boot fund for the Bomberros or making a donation from Ed's list, please reach out.

Trusting the One Who Makes a Way,

Beth Wentz, Executive Director


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