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A dream within a dream... initial thoughts from our March trip

How do you put into words something you have been dreaming about for 6 years? I had been longing to be with my Honduran people for years, but knew my calling was to be at home raising our children in their early years. I fell in love with nursing and co-sleeping with my children and if you know anything about that, you know that it is HARD to leave overnight. With Ben now age 4 and David almost 3, I was finally able to (literally) cut the cord.

There is a painting in my house of a corner on a street that goes up the hill from the river into the town in our Pinalejo. Sometimes I would just stare at that painting and imagine the action around it--- seeing the hustle and bustle of the day—imagining the warm heat from the Honduran sun, the smell of all things burning, the sounds of stray animals roaming. How cool it was to travel that corner and see in person all I had daydreamed about. Finally- God had brought me back to one of my happy places!!

There is so much to share from our trip in March. It was the first I had seen in person our DBH Tutorial Academy in action and our kindergarten. There is NOTHING comparable to the REAL DEAL of what is happening daily in Pinalejo with Dream Big Honduras programs. Videos, pictures, emails, phone calls, reports from Brad’s MANY trips…. None can compare. I was privileged to lead a small mission group consisting of our second oldest son Eli, a dear friend since childhood Bobbi, and 3 of the Krieg family- Jason, Audra and Penny. This was a new experience for Eli, Bobbi and Penny—but Jason, Audra and I had all not been back for at least 6 years. God could not have put a better team together for this trip. Each person brought their own unique gifts, perspective, experience and fun to the team. It was certainly an answer to one of MANY prayers that went into this trip.

Our DBH March 2022 Dream Team

Over the next few weeks I hope to share with you glimpses of what we experienced in March—which at this point actually almost feels like it didn’t happen—like a dream within a dream. What a promise God gives us when He gives us glimpses of Heaven on Earth. I am reminded of how CS Lewis paints a scene in the book The Last Battle-

“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now. The reason why we loved the old Narnia is that it sometimes looked a little like this.”

Thank God for answered prayer, putting people- places- and things together- and for the vision that started 12 years ago for Dream Big Honduras- because of it all, I have caught a glimpse of Paradise---and it is found within our Creator orchestrating something beautiful. My husband always says the safest place to be is in the center of God's will. I always thought of safety in that statement as a physical thing-- but it is also a spiritual safety. The safe feeling of knowing the Holy Spirit is leading and surrounding you- through prayers of others, donations that supplied all of our needs, timing that came together- it all just clicked.

I pray that you too have seen glimpses of His promises in your life- and you hold on to them and continue to seek them, and feel that safety that comes from a Savior.

Our Tutorial Academy

Our Kindergarten at snack time

A friendly face along the ride I had dreamed about for years

Until next time- praying you have peace like river~

Beth Wentz, DBH Executive Director


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