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Dream Big Honduras is so much more than a mission trip! This is an on-going ministry that supports families by meeting basic needs, education, medical help, and most importantly-faith development.
Donations keep us dreaming! We ask that you prayerfully consider your donation and if you feel led, please let us know if there is a specific way you would like your donation to be used.  We also collect a variety of items to take on our mission trips with us. 

Donate online through PayPal!

Checks can be mailed to Dream Big Honduras at
11269 Babcock Blvd, Valencia, PA 16059


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Some items that we are collecting on an ongoing basis are listed here. Please email us if you are interested in donating any of the following items!


-large suitcases (used and zip-able)

-children's shoes (very gently used)

-New school supplies

-new backpacks


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