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About Dream Big Honduras
Loving God, Loving People.
In 2010, Brad and Beth Wentz traveled to Pinalejo, Honduras on a mission trip. On their journey, they met Graciella Paz- a Honduran who had been helping a small, forgotten school. When they visited the school, the children shared their big dreams of being doctors, lawyers and teachers- yet had no shoes and most did not have running water in their homes. Out of the calling to glorify God and help these children continue to pursue their dreams, Dream Big Honduras was created. Over the past 14 years, DBH has served the community through educational programs, faith development, crisis and relief services, a food bank program, partnered with medical mission teams, and more.

Ongoing Goals
Since our first visit to Pinalejo in 2010, the mission has continued to grow and thrive. We give God all the glory! We're excited to continue to support the education of 40+ children. We've worked hard to sponsor the local Kindergarten, offer our support of the primary school and fully operate the Dream Big Honduras Academy. Additionally, we partner with medical teams.
Meet The Dream Team
Special Thanks To:

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